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Essex County Commissioner

Preserving Our Parks & Open Space
Protecting Our Communities from Gun Violence
Commissioner Gill chairs the Essex County’s Anti-Gun Violence Committee. Under his leadership, in 2015, Essex County passed an ordinance requiring vendors who sell firearms to Essex County to prove that they work only with reputable dealers, and to provide information about their policies regarding their sale of assault weapons to civilians; limiting their sale of products like armor-piercing bullets to law enforcement and the military; commitment to combating illegal gun trafficking and gun violence; and how they ensure that the gun dealers they work with require permits to purchase firearms.
Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
Essex County residents treasure their vibrant and walkable downtowns and the ability to walk and bicycle for local transportation. That's why traffic and pedestrian safety is a priority for Commissioner Gill. He was recently instrumental in lowering speed limits and installing traffic calming measures on county roads, and serves on Montclair's Vision Zero Committee and the NJ Bike Walk Coalition.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Sound and accessible infrastructure ensures the sustainable development of communities, the flow of commercial activity, and the safety of road users. Commissioner Gill has led and supported a diverse range of projects and strategies to improve the safety, convenience and accessibility of our transportation systems, while ensuring compliance with the American With Disabilities Act. Due to these efforts, Essex County's roadway intersections are compliant with the ADA, while our sidewalks, on-ramps and traffic signals have been adjusted to ensure optimal convenience for all users.
Defending Our Democracy
Essex County voters can have absolute confidence that our elections are secure from external tampering and that the results of our elections reflect the choices they make at the polls. As president of the Essex County Board of Commissioners in 2019-- one year prior to the most critical election in our nation’s history-- Commissioner Gill worked with community leaders, organizations, activists and his colleagues in Essex County government to implement voting machines that utilized paper ballots – and provided a voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) – at every polling location in the county.

Essex County is home to the oldest county park system in the nation, with 6,000 acres of parkland, reservations, and recreational facilities. Commissioner Gill introduced legislation that banned smoking in county parks, introduced Essex County's Idle-Free policy to keep our air clean and healthy, and works with the Department of Parks & Recreation and park conservancy groups across the county to ensure that our outdoor spaces and recreational facilities are properly maintained.
He was an early and leading proponent of the Essex- Hudson Greenway, the single largest conservation project in New Jersey history, which will transform an abandon rail line spanning eight communities from Montclair to Jersey City into New Jersey’s newest state park, providing bike trails, walking paths and outdoor recreation for one of New Jersey’s most densely populated and developed areas.
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